Who was Alfred Redl’s Father?

One of the more difficult aspects of writing about Alfred Redl is placing him in context. Despite liberal party propaganda to the contrary, Austria-Hungary’s Dienstadel was not the product of meritocracy in the public sector: opportunity came as a result of family connections. So how did Alfred Redl become head of the most sensitive military intelligence organ in rebellious Prague?

Why did ‘they’ need a Kisch?

I chose the title “A Journalist for Me” because my research exposed Egon Erwin Kisch as a mouthpiece of the leading pro-Emperor, pro-military paper in Prague, “Bohemia”. However, at the time of Col. Alfred Redl’s forced suicide, nobody following Redl newspaper coverage would have associated Kisch’s name with the case. The Redl espionage/homosexuality scoop was “officially broke” by “Militarische Rundschau”, Fieldmarshall Conrad von Hoetzendorf’s newspaper. Franz Ferdinand’s “Die Zeit” broke the espionage angle days before.